Are you troubled by acne scars, fine lines, deep wrinkles, or pigmentation? Fret no more, our clinic is proud to introduce the revolutionary Venus Viva treatment, which uses a unique Diamond Polar applicator to deliver dual radiofrequency energies to the skin, causing the contraction and regeneration of collagen, and an increase of oxygen flow to boost the skin for a fuller, more youthful appearance.

How long does the Diamond Polar Treatment take?
The Diamond Polar treatment takes a mere 20 to 25 minutes to complete, which fits perfectly into your busy schedule. Our team of skilled and experienced aesthetic therapists will monitor your skin’s temperature with a thermal measurement device to ensure your skin attains the optimum target temperature for the best results.
How many sessions will I need to see results?
Your skin will typically appear more lifted after a single procedure. It is recommended to complete 6 sessions (done weekly) to see optimal results.
Are there any side effects?
There are no serious side effects associated with the diamond polar treatment, however, there may be slight redness experienced after the treatment which spontaneously resolves within the next 1 to 2 hours.